Wish you all a very happy new year !!!

H ello friends, I hope you have welcomed this 2020 with new hope, fresh efforts and positive vibes. One old tradition: Making New Year's resolutions . What are your resolutions for this year? Hmm, many of you say that you don’t make resolutions because you are not able to stick to them beyond a few days or weeks at best. Friends, one major reason why we fail here is because we make WISHES instead of making GOALS. We wish to reduce weight but we don’t plan what we need to do to reduce weight. Every resolution you make is meant to produce a better version of yourself and I am here to help you out with few ideas that you can follow this year to make you a better you!!! 1. Write down This is an important step in making resolutions. Write down or make a record of all the things you want to do for the year. Write them in present tense. "Plan the work and then work the plan." When you write down your thoughts, you...